Книга Cloud Without Compromise. 1st Ed. Paul Zikopoulos, Christopher D. Bienko, Chris Backer (english)

Книга Cloud Without Compromise. 1st Ed. Paul Zikopoulos, Christopher D. Bienko, Chris Backer (english)

Цена: 2100.00 грн.

Автор: Paul Zikopoulos, Christopher D. Bienko, Chris Backer
Издательство: O’Reilly Media
Язык: Английский
Год издания: 2021
Формат: 232 х 178 х 12 мм
Количество страниц: 175

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Артикул: 9781098103736 Категории: , Product ID: 61054

Many companies claim to have “gone to the cloud,” yet returns from their efforts are meager or worse. Why? Because they’ve defined cloud as a destination, not a capability. Using cloud as a single-vendor, one-stop destination is fiction; in practice, today’s organizations use a mosaic of capabilities across several vendors. Your cloud strategy needs to follow a hybrid multicloud model, one that delivers cloud’s value at destinations you choose.

This practical guide provides business leaders and C-level executives with guidance and insights across a wide range of cloud-related topics, such as distributed cloud, microservices, and other open source solutions for strengthening operations. You’ll apply in-the-field best practices and lessons learned as you define your hybrid cloud strategy and drive your company’s transformation strategy.

Learn cloud fundamentals and patterns, including basic concepts and history
Get a framework for cloud acumen phases to value-plot your cloud future
Know which questions to ask a cloud provider before you sign
Discover potential pitfalls for everything from the true cost of a cloud solution to adopting open source the right way

Вес 0.37 kg
Габариты 232 × 178 × 12 mm

Chris Backer, Christopher D. Bienko, Paul Zikopoulos


O'Reilly Media


Рік видання


Кількість сторінок



232 х 178 х 12 мм







